here’s my opinion and why i continue to stan harry. i’ve taken my time today to educate myself before i fully came to terms with everything, but here’s what i think. i’m perfectly up for a healthy debate in the replies, just keep it respectful, please.
I don’t think harry is a zionist, mostly because he has supported Palestinians very recently. He has donated to multiple charities in support of the Palestinian people. Info below
harry has however shown his support towards israel too; mainly, he’s shown love towards his israel fans. but i read through this thread and realized that being pro-israel doesn’t mean he’s anti-palestine.
now this is more of the opinion part: I don’t think he is intentionally trying to support the actions of the Israeli government. this is a point you can disagree with me on, this is just what I think. Harry is a good person. From the years I’ve known him, I know he’s good.
I choose to believe that he would never actively support genocide or the stripping of people’s rights. I don’t think that is his intention at all. Again, you can disagree with me on this. I don’t personally know harry, this is is just my opinion.
However, I would love to see Harry use his platform and speak up about this issue. It’s unfortunately barred by complicated “politics,” however, so I don’t think his team would let him tweet about it in a million years. That being said, I still wish he would say something.
This is an important issue that more people need to be aware of, and him using his platform could really help bring awareness. My school never taught me this. The news never covered this topic. I was educated by a bunch of teenagers on stan twitter.
So imagine the impact it would have if he spoke up about it. Again, I don’t think his team would ever let him do that. That’s what’s so unfortunate about this.
So yeah, these are my reasons that I still stan harry. Maybe I’m an idiot for trying to always see the good in people. Maybe I’m wrong. I would love to hear any thoughts in the replies, just keep it respectful for my mental health’s sake. ok that’s all
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