do i think H is a good person? yes. absolutely. do i think he’s sheltered and ignorant? yes. absolutely. he will never have to experience what you and i go through in our everyday lives. we all have external and “normal people” struggles like with our families and friends.
we also might struggle financially. and struggle with things we can’t control like racial and religious discrimination. i know for a fact that H for the rest of his life will never have to worry about finances or racial discrimination. he will never understand what it’s like to
not have enough money to live, or someone hating on them SOLELY for the color of their skin. this is why i think he’s done some of the things he’s done. he doesn’t and will never understand what it’s like to go through those things, so that’s why he thinks it’s “okay” to joke
around with that (which i don’t agree with but it’s not my life). so do i think H is doing it on purpose to hate on others? no. but that doesn’t give him a “free pass” to continue doing it without addressing and apologizing for it.
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