I just typed a long ass thread about how I beat #TheLastofUsPartII the other day and have spent time thinking about both the game itself and the backlash surrounding it, but then the twitter app crashed so suffice to say: ur all childish and dumb thx for coming to my ted talk
Trust me y'all, this thread was fire. Talking about ppl upset bc of ND "disrespecting" characters, then turning around and posting shitty memes disrespecting major plot points (hypocritical), being vaguely racist by peddling a conspiracy theory that the game's Mexican character..
...is a self-insert for its Israeli-American creator (like that isn't telling on yourself, being unable to differentiate two somewhat brown, kinda non-white dudes just bc they both have beards), how the whole situation is gamers reinforcing gamer stereotypes they love to...
...spend time complaining about, etc. How this whole situation has, despite my lifelong love of video games, pushed me further away from, and made me more embarrassed by, the "gaming community" than I've ever been before. (Maybe barring that one time.)
But instead I'll just focus on the positive and say this: I really liked the game a lot. Is it perfect? Maybe not. But neither is TLOU1. No game really is. You didn't like it? Cool. As respectfully as possible, I don't really care. I enjoyed it.
I think it's kinda good (in a way) that Naughty Dog is receiving more pushback & criticism than they have in well over a decade. You wouldn't, as a fan, want them to get complacent/develop an ego. But the level of childish, bad faith bullshit online is nutso. Crazy pants. Absurd.
It's okay to not like something, and move on. To be disappointed by something, and move on. Ironically, the entire message of the TLOU franchise thus far (to me, at least) has been that people's inability to let things go, and move on with their lives as best as possible...
...will slowly destroy them from the inside out, if they let it. Obsession is an albatross, in other words. Both games tie into this theme heavily imo. So to see people's reaction to various spoilers that have unfortunately floated around online with no context for a while now...
...is honestly amazing. In some ways, the game predicted its own response. But I digress. My point is, the amount of YT videos made by ppl who self-admit to not actually playing the game about how TLOU2 is shit, that seem to frequently have a slant to them about "owning the SJWs"
...is disappointing. If you haven't played it, it's okay to just not have an opinion. (But that doesn't get clicks.) Played it and didn't like it? Express that. But don't be a fucking lunatic about it. No need to dogpile, call anybody names, or God forbid send death threats.
(Also if I see one more grown ass man on YouTube or wherever else call Neil Druckmann, "Neil Cuckmann," I swear to God, I'm yeeting myself off a cliff. Grow up dude, for fucks sake.) And I would still say all of this even if I DIDN'T like the game, for the record.
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