The US is at war, make no mistake. The war has been going on for quite some time using sneaky methods to change way people think. Some suspected but people started waking up in 2016 to realize something was going on. Our country right now is being destroyed from inside. (Thread)
Right now:
MSM disinformation campaign
- Obama funded Wuhan Institute in 2015
-Funding at behest of D33P State
-Intent always to create a biological agent that could be weaponized on a global scale
-Readied to be released if impeachment hearings failed to oust Trump
Pandemic by using weapon Dems had developed in order to:
-initiate unwarranted nationwide shutdown to destroy Trump’s booming economy
-Stopped momentum of Trump rally’s so public couldn’t see huge support
-Pandemic allowed Joe Biden to avoid more public gaffes to protect image
Pandemic provided distractions:
-Overwhelming evidence of Biden corruption in Ukraine
-Fear used to encourage mail in voting which is key to committing voter fraud
-High death toll needed to convince citizens stricter rules necessary,so deaths called Covid even if different cause
Not enough fatalities to warrant massive shut down so DS
-sent +Covid patients to most vulnerable locations (nursing homes)
-Dem governors in NY, CA, NJ, PA, MI caused conditions=genocide of elderly
-Deaths caused citizens to feel restrictions were justified
DS created fearful communities cut off from each other
-Churches, sources of comfort closed
-Lonliness/solitude creates depression
-These conditions cause perfect storm of social unrest
-As soon as death toll was stabilizing/curve flattening, DS needed new crisis
As Covid conditions got better, a seemingly racially motivated instance of police brutality occurred, George Floyd (even though Floyd & officer had worked together)
-set off racial tensions leading to looting, rioting and mass civil unrest
-disguised as racial justice reform
Globalist George Soros funded BLM, was used as a weapon to further corrupt Dem agenda.
-Black lives sacrificed to further political goals
-Add in Antifa and violence was escalated to further incite fear
-Antifa allowed by Dem leaders to destroy and loot cities, commit assaults
Riots were used to create
-further chaos
-more destabilization
-innocent caught in crossfire
-police become targets/scape goats culminating in calls to defund law enforcement
-Adam Schiff introduced legislation that prohibits use of armed forces to quell civil unrest (Title 18)
All events used to try and weaken President Trump’s ability to protect the country from DS’s planned destruction of our way of life.

Pandemic, civil unrest...what are they distracting us from? What’s going on at DOJ with investigations into Dem malfeasance?
Investigation into weaponization of Intel community was producing evidence that Obama administration had interfered in election & tried to subvert results
-Evidence Obama & Biden directly involved in framing @GenFlynn
-pandemic used as excuse to meddle in ongoing cases
Investigation showing abuse of FISA court to disrupt the transition of power to President Trump was unearthing more and more evidence
-persons called for questioning cited fears of Corona to avoid speaking under oath

Everything has happened for a reason, to destroy our country
The DS over the course of a century
-weakened our world standing through inept, corrupted trade deals to create economic stagnation
-created situations that put us needlessly in war zones
-divided us along political, racial, gender lines
-created drug epidemic
-Laws to jail POC
Mainstream media has been complicit and provided cover for all this to happen providing distractions, misdirections and flat out lies all along the way. The purpose has been to malign the President to jeopardize chances in 2020. They know if re-elected Trump will expose the lies.
The 2020 election may be most important ever. It’s not enough just to re-elect @realDonaldTrump. We must keep the Senate, take back the house and disrupt career Rhinos. We must not get distracted but follow closely facts vs fairy tales told by MSM
Beware of massive voter fraud, attempts to instill fear. Creating fear = maintaining control. Pandemic taught them what pressure to apply to make us give away freedom. Above all, demand in person voting. This election more than ever, every vote counts!
You can follow @Tracie0313.
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