SDSU MFA program was like I know we're doing Cracker Musical Theatre Classic "She Loves Me" and the only POC in the cast are the MFA Token Black guy and one asian dude out of a cast of 16 but diversity is our mission. (thread cause everybody's talking shit about theatre ed)
No matter how hard I tried during tech, I had trouble telling all the white girls in the ensemble apart they all looked exactly the same, idk i guess putting in more brown people would ruin the realism of a musical where people sing about ice cream for 5 minutes.
SDSU theatre program was like I know we actually have a good amount of Latinx actors to pull from but we're gonna make all the leads in Anna in the Tropics white-passing and relegate anybody darker than tan to ensemble. (not to mention the maracas thing part, fucking embarassing)
Enchanted April was a hate crime to anybody involved, the performers, the band, the audience and even the white people in it and it was the pinnacle of white mediocrity in theatre but it showed me that you don't have write things that are "good" to get produced.
and as the Token Mexican™ at the season selection committee you bet i was making them uncomfy by bringing up how all the non-white plays they pick are trauma porn, and why are they doing American classics when we could center new stories by playwrights that weren't white.
there's some other stuff worth mentioning, but it's from my freshman year and the leadership in those circles has changed, but all the shit I saw that year lead to me being like yeah I'm just gonna do my own thing with Eliza.
never understood the argument of "there's not enough of "specific minority" in the department" but WOTW had more Latinx Actors and Asian Actors then any other department/student show (aside from a Peter Cirino show) and our outreach as a club was not that good.
I was super lucky to have Patrice and Peter as my mentors and hooking me up with little gigs with Tuyo, Amigos Del Rep, the Playhouse etc. on top of having jobs that worked with my schedule, without em I probably would've changed my major or gave up on the industry altogether.
Always learned more doing theatre outside school and making my own shit with my friends than I did in an actual classroom setting.
Theatres are just afraid to stray away from conventional theatre singing and casting conventional skinny whites all the time cause then it looks to different from they think theatre should be. Hopefully after COVID we build this industry back from the ground up.
If you were involved in any of the mentioned shows this probably isn't calling you out personally, or maybe it is you can figure that out.
anyways when i end up selling out I'm gonna delete this thread so don't screenshot it.
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