God loves you https://twitter.com/DrewLawDesign/status/1277694087009886208
This statement has become very trivialized, but I'd like to share with you how incredible these three words are.
When I was 15, and up until I was 18, I did not believe in God. If I did, it was a god who only tells you what & what not to do, so I didn't want anything to do with him or it, which is basically the same as unbelief.
The issue was that I could not find purpose in life. This made me prone to depression. See, your career/money can be taken away in an instant by the economy, accident, or whatever. Your public image can be smothered by a small blemish, which cancel culture shows us...
The legacy you leave can be plundered by a fool following you. You cannot even put your family/spouse as your ultimate purpose, for even they can be taken away in an instant. What is there that cannot be taken away that you can put your purpose in. Love God is what, & here's why
God is eternal, so He will always be there for you to love. More importantly, though, He loves you forever. When God chose to create the universe, He chose to create it with you in it. That's how valuable your life is!
Now God is perfectly good, just, merciful, beautiful (yes even beautiful), holy, and perfectly loving (1 John 4:8). So, He created you out of love in hopes that you would choose to love Him forever. In order to be granted eternity with Him is where Jesus comes in.
God's holiness forbids sin to be in His presence, yet we are all sinners. We must become blameless before God, but we can't on our own. The bible says "For our sake he made [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Cor 5:21)
God loves you so much that He did everything necessary for you to spend eternity with Him, but you still have to choose Jesus. "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Rom. 10:9)
It's like if you're dying of thirst and someone offers you water, you'll only be saved if you choose to accept the water. Jesus is the only way, because He is the only way to make you right with God. Choosing Jesus is accepting the righteousness He has imparted to you.
In simple terms, God loves you so much that you do not have to do any practice to be saved. All you have to do is put your faith and trust in Him. When you fail, and you will (I still do), be honest and confess it to God and He will be there for you with His grace.
The question then becomes, will you put your purpose in life in the things of this world, which are feeble, one-sided, and don't even offer you eternity, or will you put it in God who loves you, it was He Himself who did what it took to offer you salvation, and grants eternity.
I hope these words help you understand how incredible the words "God loves you" truly are. If you want to hear more, please ask! If you're hung up on intellectual issues, i.e. disbelief in God, Jesus, the bible, etc. (I get it, I was too), then please ask. I'd love to talk!
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