Kirishima's eyes focus on Katsuki's. "You brought me my truck?"
Katsuki nods. "It's not a big deal or whatever. I just didn't fuckin think it would make that kind of drive. So I had Deku tow it."

Deku and Shouto's heads whip toward Eijirou.

Kirishima frowns. "You brought my truck." He says again.
Is Kirishima hard of hearing?

"Yeah." He says again. "You can drive it back if you want. Or Deku can tow it back."

Midioryia makes a sound of protest, but shuts his trap when Kirishima steps forward.
He probably looks odd to their company, dressed in Katsuki's suit jacket and oversized sweats.

It probably looks like they spent the night together and Kirishima's wearing Katsuki's clothes even though that's far far far from the actuality.
Kirishima rubs his arm. "I don't understand". He breathes and Katsuki is transfixed on his mouth. "Why would you do that? To trick me? To tease me?"
Katsuki's eyes shoot up to Eijirou's. "No." He says honestly. "I just want you to like me."

And FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. He's going to have to kill everyone in this room. He didn't mean to say that out loud, didn't mean to be that vulnerable.
"Wait." Shouto says, because he can't read a fucking room. "How is that Kirishima's truck? He's an Omega. They can't own property. Or get a license."
Deku punches Shouto's arm and flicks his eyes to Katsuki and Kirishima clearly having a moment. "Todoroki. I swear to Gods."
"He's an Alpha." Katsuki says softly, eyes sweeping over Kirishima's face, trying to read his expression. Is he happy about the truck? Sad? He just looks confused.
Kirishima lets out a heavy breath, and this time when he cries, it doesn't smell so bad.
"Okay. We're leaving." Deku says suddenly, his hand gripping Shouto's elbow to lead him to the front door.

Katsuki rips his eyes from Eijirou to walk toward the door. He does his best to hide his limp from the Omega. He doesn't want him to see weakness.
"Thanks." Katsuki says gruffily.

Deku shrugs. "Anytime. Are you coming to the auction? Are you... coming alone?"

Katsuki mirrors his shrug with one of his own. "We'll see." He says before opening the door for them.
"Are you mad about the vases?" Shouto asks as Deku hails him outside. "Because /I just want you to like me/" he shouts over his shoulder as he's forced to Deku's sleek tow truck.
Katsuki grins softly. "Fucker."

He's adding seven zeroes to that check.
When he shuts the door, Kirishima is still in the foyer and Kaminari has dissappeared.

"Did you mean that?" Kirishima asks. "I can drive back if I want?"

"And you won't follow me? You won't send the police after me, or tell anyone I'm an Omega?"

"I'm not like that, dammit. You can leave if you want."
Kirishima stares at him for a full minute before a smile forms on his face. "I believe you." He snatches the truck key off the table. "Thank you! Thank you!"
And then he throws his arms around Bakugou's shoulders and takes off at a run to get his duffel bags.

He practically races up the stairs, unknowing or uncaring, that he's breaking Katsuki's heart into pieces.

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