1. all non-Black native ppl have a responsibility to support #BlackLivesMatter

2. Black people *do not owe* us solidarity

why? native ppl, esp. white natives benefit from anti-black racism
Native ppl have a long history of anti-Blackness: native nations enslaved Black ppl; natives continue to appropriate and capitalize off Black culture. Black ppl have *literally never* systemically oppressed native ppl; no significant hist. of Black ppl appropriating ntv cultures
actually, Black people have always stood up for us. Black ppl have always held anti-colonial aims and organized for our civil rights
i’m so tired of you Natives being like “what about us?” “why is the focus always on Black people?” it’s a privilege to even nuance these times. police are KILLING Black people and y’all are worried about centering yourselves...
also, if Natives are killed at *extremely high rates* by cops, why would you NOT support the biggest anti-police brutality and prison abolitionist movement to date? #BLM works to liberate all policed communities. you anti-black natives have a lot to think abt. say much less!!
but our support shouldn’t even be based on how well Black ppl organize for us. we should support #BLM because Black people are worthy of living long, dignified lives. period. start thinking of Black people as your siblings and not your competition. please.
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