Someone I love dearly came to me to ask me to decrease the number of posts I put out there which include my relationship and whatever happiness I would like to share because other people don’t read those things with shared happiness but actually with contempt
And through time grow a hardened heart towards U because you are always “bragging” or “sharing your happiness”. I obviously said I wouldn’t stop. Reason being, we have normalized this idea that it’s okay for others to wish you ill.. “don’t share before it happens people are evil”
This should not be normal. And look according to me my God and my faith is far stronger than whatever evil or ill intentions or feelings you may have for me. And I will never make it Easy for you, those bad feelings will eat you up on your own
And even if I ever have a downfall I promise you, you are not important enough to be the reason for it.
Anyway the point is; Don’t allow yourself to see other people’s happiness as a hindrance to yours, there is enough to go around.
You will be so focused on wishing someone ill abd for them to fail that you won’t have the time to create your happiness and manifest your success, an evil heart is not rewarding.
You can follow @YougottaLoveKaz.
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