If you’re in customer service/ food industry etc. PLEASE reply with the wierdest/ rudest customer experience you’ve ever dealt with. i’m always curious to hear about dumb ass customers
i think the worst person i’ve ever dealt with was like 3 years ago, i was ringing someone out and she got an attitude with how i was folding her clothes, she told me to stop so i did & assumed she would fold them herselflike she SAID she would. instead she asked 1/2
“are you gonna help me?” and me being confused- said “Ma’am you told me not to?” and she got SUPER heated and said “Oh no. Get me a manager i am NOT dealing with this attitude.” I was like EXCUSE ME? LMFAO. I was almost ready to lose my job. she was so mad for NO reason. 2/2
WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE WORST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE IVE EVER HAD. Basically the summer of 2016 i worked at a small amusement park in my city as a rides operator. Now the rides here were basically fair/ carnival rides. nothing huge or fancy, mostly for little kids
I FORGOT TO FINISH THIS LMFAO. ANYWAY One day i was working a little ride called airplanes. it was literally that- these little airplanes that went in a circle & they had a small lever the kid could pull to go up or down when the ride has started. Pic below is the planes going up
i have gotten SO many replies to this. thanks everyone for your stories. TREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE WORKERS OF ANY KIND WITH HUMAN DECENCY. ITS NOT HARD.
i forgot i muted this tweet but i might delete it, it’s getting a lot of attention and i’m ANXIOUS LMFAO
weirdest **
i’ve seen HUNDREDS of replies to this about customers being very inappropriate or sexually harassing employees, this shit is DISGUSTING and workers should not have to fear their job security if they stick up for themselves in horrible/ uncomfortable situations
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