I can't lie this week has tested my belief in journalism as a vehicle to deliver basic information or as a crucible of truth to people.
The idea of working exclusively with dogs either training, exercising or rescuing them is much more appealing than trying to get people to see beyond their zealotry that they seem committed to believing no matter the facts on the ground.
Pin this on #Trump supporters, but I'm thinking as much about the #AllEyesOnKentucky folks or those who follow @shaunking's words on the #BreonnaTaylor case more than @TessaDuvall & @dctello reporting.

Wholly and willfully and gleefully ignorant to things.
What's worse is that these are smart people in their every day lives. Yet they're religiously committed to getting it wrong, and will lash out at you for calling them out or their attention to it.
I had a woman tell me how her mother believes wholeheartedly how a 4th @LMPD officer shot and killed #BreonnaTaylor.

Not true. Not even close.

The source? A guy. Who works at the airport.
Not for a moment ask yourself how does this gentleman even know this and if he does though it why hasn't he said anything publicly about such a thing?

"She said he doesn't want to get into trouble," the lady told me.

Then there are some who will ask about something or try to shame you about something that has already been written about... sometimes weeks ago.

They are so cocksure of themselves they don't bother to do a basic @Google search before making a fool of themself.
There is a certain certitude and knowing that the guy from the airport or the Facebook video or the Instagram meme has given them a biblical truth they shall hold on to and to the day they shall die.

It's as dangerously infections as it is laughable.
It has infected everyone from the president to your pastor to your mayor and your favorite rapper or basketball player.

This basic ignorance is an infestation of our country that makes #COVID19 seem mild.

A newspaper subscription can't fix it either.
There are swaths of Americans: black in the inner city or white in the suburbs or whatever human mut you chose to label who don't know what the hell they're talking about and they're OK with it because it's what they believe or it's in their opinion.
We're doomed.
The dog is our last hope.

Good night, and good luck.
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