So I typically don't get personal on Twitter but these last few weeks have been a bit of a hell ride at times it is a good place to vent.

So recently my mother passed away and because of what occurred been seeking a malpractice case. Hit nothing but walls doing so.
Every lawyer or law firm I have spoken to said it is clear my mom's death was unnecessary but due to her age and Covid they aren't interested in taking the case. She was 74 years old. My grandfather lived to 103. She will miss so much and my kids won't get to really know her.
It's a general long story but the last two days are the worst. On a Monday morning, she goes into a hospital because she is coughing up blood. She's told it's normal because she had a stent put in and it's coming out the next day to get it fixed anyways and sent home.
The bleeding gets worse and she returns to the hospital and they can't get it to stop. They give her 8 vials blood and it is too much for her heart and she loses a pulse. She comes back but is unable to maintain. My dad is informed she didn't make it and begins to tell the family
Within that time I get a call from my sister and right away know what it is. It's one of the most surreal moments of my life. Shortly after as I am packing to go home see a text from my sister that says "Her pulse is weak". I assume it is just a delayed text.
Until I get a call from my other sister that says she was dead for twenty minutes but after being told she was gone her pulse returned. We had hope, but they still didn't know how to stop the bleeding. They took her to get scanned to see what it might be
They saw the blood was from her stomach most likely coming from the stent, the one she didn't even need. Before they can even decide what to do next she becomes catatonic and due to the bleeding, it is clear she is now braindead. The hope we had is gone.
My dad is given the god awful task of deciding what happens next. The machines are the only thing keeping her alive. They can attempt to put her into surgery that she most likely won't survey and if she does will be a vegetable, or to let her go.
He makes the choice she would have wanted, a choice I know he still feels guilty about and probably forever well. I drive four hours and make it to the hospital before they turn off the machines. The nurses were kind enough to let me into the ICU to see what is left of my mom
She doesn't look real. There is no life in her. There is nothing. I touch her arm and kiss her forehead and feel nothing but coldness. The person who gave me life, raised me, and help make me who I will never be with us again. So much emotion I become number and feel nothing
Now I just have anger. Anger this happened when it didn't need to and anger that I don't know if anyone will be held accountable. This is after months of issues with hospitals that were clearly over their head with this situation and had no idea how to fix it.
I have no idea what I hope to get from this thread just needed to exercise it out in some way.
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