Okay. Let me break the equation for yall.

When ON official MV was released, we garnered 10M views for the first hour. Then everything went downhill from that because the views freeze, etc but most ARMYs will stream at least 10x for 24 hours
And then we will stop. So let's assume that the 10 million streams from the first hour is the number of unique participants for the comeback. 10,000,0000 multiplied by 10 times streaming should be 100M but because YT deletes our views, we always fall short of that number.
We will also get some GP help because the MV is now trending. However, since we stressed ourselves to break record on the first day, our streaming will dramatically decrease on the next days. It will then result to the MV falling out of the trending list.

If we start streaming stress free, like how we stream Japanese MVs (I know it's stressful too because of the views being deleted but let's be honest that not everyone is as passionate with Japanese releases than Korean albums), then we'll get around 50% result.
From the 100M first 24 hours target to just 50M? No. We will stop doing the 24 hours target. Instead, we will make it a 7 day, less stressful comeback. YouTube's server will be less stressed with our 10M unique listeners multiplied by 10 streams. Instead, we will spread it out.
10 million unique listeners will only now stream 5 times per day, then we'll be able to put more other MVs in between. Again, this will lessen the pressure in the new MVs bandwidth and we'll be able to make our streams count on the other MVs.
By doing this slowly but surely, just like how we stream in Spotify (because we don't stress out breaking other's record), we wouldn't get tired and rest the next days. WE WILL KEEP STREAMING.

I kid you not when I say that mental health is important in comebacks.
The more we enjoy a comeback, the better results we get. Why? Because we stream continuously without feeling the need to take a break. Consistency and sustainability is the key.
This will also ensure that the MV will be trending for a whole week straight which means we will get more GP support for a week instead of just for a day.
I am not a big account but I hope others will be able to read this thread --

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