In honour of #BlackLivesMatter I will highlight in this thread an important historical, and very much diminished and slandered black voice.
He published his last, and most telling book in 1958, and promptly died in a car accident in 1959
This book explains 2020 far better than anything else I've read.
Many white Americans often lament "what was taken from them."
This book, published in 1958 B.C.R. (Before Civil Rights) is instead the tale (and also now part prediction) of what was taken from Black Americans.
Current dogma has Blacks both building America, while also having no access to education prior to the Civil Rights Movement.
The latter is an outright lie, the former suggests that Blacks never built anything by and for themselves pre or post slavery: Not all Blacks were slaves.
But's get into it. As always, they begin by subverting churches:
He was indeed an avowed Communist for at least a decade himself.
"Communists were not interested in a (Negro) hospital founded by (Negroes) and redounding to their credit. Such a project would take away a key issue in racial agitation and radicalisation and isolate the Reds"
"Evidently the reds had international propaganda in mind when they described (Negro) sections as Ghettos because the definition of Ghettos in no way applies to a (Negro) section any more than…
Therefore it it is a struggle of (Negro) against White oppressors for emancipation"
"Wires were pulled in local, state, and federal governments to appoint and upgrade to strategic positions (Negroes) that the communist apparatus could use."
"Loyalty is placed first because the communist leaders demand that loyalty to the party be placed above and before everything, and that includes race, relatives and loved ones."
"Posing as 'a friend of the (Negro)', they, under the guise of…(Negro) rights, set race against race in the cold-blooded struggle for power. Their hypocrisy and the falsity of their claims are clearly revealed in a number of instances."
"The placing of the repository of everything, right and just, among the darker races is a dastardly communist trick to use race as a means of grabbing and enslaving the whole of humanity"
"Like the communist party, the NAACP has collected millions of dollars through exploitation of race issues. Yet one cannot...find any money being spent…to aid (Negro) youth. It is no accident they are dubbed the National Association for the Agitation of (Colored) People."
"Only during the period of the 'Popular Front' did the reds cease their attack on (Negro) business in order to link the (Negro) banker, broker, realtor…lawyer, physician, preacher…with Bolshevism under the guise of a "National (Negro) Congress."
"This is a propaganda hoax aimed, not at helping the (Negro), but at casting America in a bad light…thereby aiding Soviet Russia in the penetration and conquest of Asia and Africa."
"Every (Negro) who opposes integration... becomes "Uncle Tom,... and every white with a similar position is branded as a criminal.
They have no love for their own...they run to communism and civil disobedience is their folly…they deserve whatever red reward that is due them."
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