Best Casting Choices In The History of Big Brother (in my opinion) Thread:
Note: Gonna try to go in order of seasons (For US then CAN) and this is for them as CHARACTERS not as much as players. This is gonna be people who brought an energy to the show I haven’t seen from anyone else/they were the first to “act” that way.
Dr. Will Kirby (S2/S7)

Big Brother isn’t what it is today without Dr. Will. The full-of-himself energy and his ability to speak in the Diary Room made Season 2 what it was and I’d argue without him, Big Brother US dies off, especially after the abysmal reception of S1.
Danielle Reyes (S3/S7)

She’s the best to never win, but that’s not what this thread’s about. Danielle really has what everyone brings to this list, which is PHENOMENAL DR ENERGY. Imagine being so cutthroat in the DR, that you’re the main reason why juries are sequestered now.
Amy Crews (S3)

Imagine having such a huge personality that you have your cast annoyed from the JUMP, win a popularity buyback, and stay long enough to get fourth. Amy paved the way for the consistency of pagent queens of BB/Survivor, because S1 doesn’t exist (sorry Jamie Kern)
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