It comes as little surprise, but no less disappointment, to learn that Kyoto's great August festival, the 'Gozan no Okuribi' (五山送り火), will be a pared-down affair this year.

Kyoto’s bonfire festival to be dimmed as virus precaution:

#Kyoto #Japan
These really are extraordinary times. Festivals and celebrations, that we took for granted, are having to make difficult decisions to protect participants & visitors.

'Gozan no Okuribi' (五山送り火) marks the end of Obon (お盆) in Kyoto, one of the biggest holidays of the year.
Formed from dozens of smaller bonfires, the Okuribi (送り火-ceremonial bonfires) guide the souls of the dead back to the netherworld after Obon (お盆)

This is a great thread about the 'Gozan no Okuribi' (五山送り火).

#五山送り火 #Kyoto #Japan
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