These are different versions of whiteness:
Summering in Europe white vs. Pool Party in the Ozarks white.

White People Brunching as #BLM protesters walk by in the background:
What connects all these is that white people are, very tangibly, being asked (even required) to temporarily *GIVE UP* something for the collective, public health good: travel, restaurants, bars, pool parties, ....
...or, in the case of grocery shopping, to *SLIGHTLY* modify behavior (and, for the public health good).
And, as we're learning, this is all very, very hard for white people b/c it hits 3 of our favorite things:

1) going wherever the hell we want, whenever we want and, when there,
2) being served;
3) thinking of our unique, individual SELF (never as part of a collective).
That last bit (the SELF vs. the collective) is especially hard for many white people because the collective includes Black people, and other POC.
The thought, the very IDEA of acting for the good of the collective (over the individual self), is so intolerable for white people, that they (/we) would rather DIE than act for the collective good.
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