it’s called natal alienation: the violence of complete ancestral and genealogical severance for Black people. to be Black is to have no kinship structure past or present that is respected, valued, protected, or even, at times, traceable.
this is also why Breonna Taylor could be murdered in her home. the home as a site for the development of kinship is entirely violable when you are Black, which makes what Tiffany’s saying much more tragic: antiblackness interrupts our *present* attempts at “generational wealth”.
as @b_wilderson says in _Red, White, and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms_: “‘Black home’ is an oxymoron...”

for more on natal alienation read: Orlando Patterson’s _Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study_
p.s. continental Africans are also natally alienated (see: neo/colonialism, imperialism, post-apartheid SA). natal alienation is not a respecter of land, home, or 23 and me.
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