My fiance just broke up with me. Wtf. I don't have any friends. I'm really scared and i've never felt so alone.
Thanks everyone..... I dont really know what to do now. Im gonna go for a walk. What else is good to do?
I'm gonna go to sleep early. Severely sleep deprived this past week. Still alone. Im not good at asking for and receiving help... 😞 I always feel like a burden and stop myself
I woke up about an hour ago. I thought about going to help at E precinct but then I remembered I have an appt. at noon. I will make it out this evening though. (Not saying this for any particular reason, I just kind of want to stay connected bc I don't really have any friends)
Also just wanted to clarify why I don't have any friends- I'm not unfriendable I promise, I'm just social anxiety and also I realized all my current superficial "friends" are incredibly privileged and I don't truly connect w them and I don't want to talk to them (met thru fiance)
Therapy session was good (she's actually my ADHD specialist lol). Now I'll probably do some planning and getting ready for my day (likely People's Assembly and fucking the police). Top 3 Takeaways from therapy below.
(1) I have been making many really responsible choices about how to grieve and process this loss. Sometimes I'll need to distract myself; other times I'll need to face my feelings head on. I'm good at recognizing what I need, and I should be proud of myself.
(2) I don't have to worry about burdening people who reach out to support me. If I'm worried abt that, I can remind that they can stop the conversation any time they want and that I don't expect them to be my therapist, or anything more than an ear to listen when willing/able.
(3) I'm going to be ok. I'm actually a valuable and worthwhile person without a partner. I try to be kind and compassionate and make good decisions. There are people who would want to be MY friend, who would really like me for the person that I am. I don't have to change.
I also just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been incredibly kind & supportive on this thread <3 it really helps me feel less alone, and I truly appreciate each of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 💖 Y'all remind me that the world is good & wants me around.
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