I think the importance of MiLB gets swept under the rug very often. Besides for a few outliers, every single MLB player would not have been able to achieve what they did without developing in the minors first. MiLB is essential to the product MLB puts on the field. https://twitter.com/milb/status/1278070823203504130
Not to mention the impact MiLB has on the small communities where their teams reside. Bringing REAL LIFE, affordable baseball to those towns undeniably goes the game.
I’m definitely forgetting other reasons too so feel free to add to this thread.
A couple of my most memorable baseball experiences have come at Trenton Thunder and SWB RailRiders games. Minor league games are so awesome.
And I know there are plenty of people who follow the minors a hell of a lot more closely than I do so I feel for them as well.
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