felt like making a thread about things anti-furs usually accuse us of

feel free to bookmark this and send it to anyone who needs to see it
"furries think they're animals"

no we don't, pretty sure that's called otherkin or something along those lines

think of a fursona like a customizable videogame avatar

you aren't the character, but the character IS a representation of you
"the furry fandom is full of pedos and zoos"

pedos and zoos THINK they're furries, but in reality no abuser is truly welcome here
"it's all porn"

the porn is just a byproduct that many furries enjoy

the main purpose of the fandom is the community itself, bringing together people with common interests
"furries are all just autistic gays"

ok ableist homophobe
"RP is cringe"

just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean nobody else can
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