I am standing again for the Labour party NEC as a left candidate, committed to accountability, members’ rights and a left agenda. My record from 2000/2018 is at http://www.annblack.co.uk  – I can’t be the only member who wonders what the NEC has been doing since 1/10
In that time I:

*Voted against Iraq, Trident, privatisation & for public services, pensions, housing
*Achieved OMOV election to the NPF
*Helped get Diane Abbott on the 2010 leadership ballot
*Voted to include Jeremy Corbyn in 2016 and against 6-month qualifying period

If elected, I will work to:

Support the democratically-elected leadership. I’ve had differences with every leader over the years, but never questioned their authority or their mandate. I will be loyal to Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner as I was to all previous leaders

I will:

Keep in touch. I will report within days of every meeting, consult before key decisions and visit as many local parties as I can, online and, when normal service resumes, in person.

I will:

Extend local party democracy. The NEC must let CLPs meet and make decisions again, online until we can meet in person. While virtual meetings exclude some, they can benefit those with disabilities, caring responsibilities or lack of transport.

I will:

Build on the 2017 and 2019 manifestos towards a popular socialist programme, through a reformed national policy forum which involves every member and every affiliate and reaches out to the wider community.

I will:

Vote to allow local parties to choose their candidates, including by-elections. From June 2017 CLPs were pleading to select candidates. Dozens were still waiting when the 2019 election was called, and again had candidates imposed. This is unacceptable.

I will:

Review membership subscriptions & give local parties a fair share. The 2011 system is broken. Surpluses pile up in central funds while the grassroots struggle, and even the reduced rate is too high for many. In 2018 the NEC promised a review. It’s time to deliver.

I will:

Revive the women’s conference. I steered the women’s conference to formal status in 2018 and a free-standing event in 2019. Sadly plans for 2020 dropped off the agenda. I will restore it to its rightful position. Again.

And finally, if you’ve read this far, please share, ask your CLP to nominate me, and ask members to vote for me. You can always contact me at [email protected] or 07956-637958. For more information, see http://www.annblack.co.uk/ 

You can follow @AnnBlackLabour.
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