I’m sure most of the boys entered the industry to be solo artists. Through the journey, the bonded and became brothers, they enjoy each other’s company, and enjoy working together. Yixing is not the only one who gets mistreated by SM, they get mistreated and/or neglected indiv-
-idually and as a group. Of course we want Yixing to keep being successful and recognized individually, but don’t you want that too for the other soloists? Yixing is a different case because he’s from China, and of course traveling back and forth it’s bad for him, but don’t you-
remember how all of them constantly show how much they want to make albums together, and how Yixing literally decided it was better to have less lines so the other members wouldn’t have to learn too much of his parts when he’s not with them? At the same time, they also expressed-
they want to be happy both individually and as a family, this is why even during the hardest of times they have decided to stay together; not to please your OT9 fantasies, and certainly Yixing is not deliberately not participating in exo activities to please y’all. They do the-
things they do because they freaking want to. They want to grow as artists and want to keep the unique bond they created. They can do both;& we have to understand their decisions; but they made it clear that they want to be together as long as they can perform. And that’s a fact.
You can follow @ai_yixing.
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