You see this? Welcome to woke capitalism. Let's look at how woke activists brought the business/corporate world too their knees, took them over, and captured their institutions...and what we can do about it.
This is the product of very well thought out and carefully planned activism campaigns. They are done by different people, in different arenas (business, politics, healthcare,even knitting!) but they always use the same tactics. With the goal of taking over institutions.
The reason they want to take over ALL the institutions in every area is so they can use them to preach wokeness. This is why Gillette has a commercials about transgenderism and toxic masculinity and Colin Kaepernick Has a Nike Commercial.
When taking over institutions the first thing wokies do is Power Mapping.
"Power Mapping is a tool to not only identify who holds that power, but, crucially, who holds influence over that person, and, therefore, who to target with your direct actions" https://beautifulrising.org/tool/power-mapping
Power mapping lets wokies determine who has the power to give them what they want, and how they can be vulnerable to pressure. Remember, wokies want to take power, to do that they need to know WHO to take it from and how. This is how wokies "survey the battlefield"
So they map the power dynamics: who has the power to do what, what the weaknesses of each relevant person or institution is. Then they pick a target to go after, and a set of tactics "protests, strikes, occupations, social media mobs, etc." to employ
7/ Next comes "choose your target wisely." "You might not have enough power to push your primary target at first, but your actions may help you identify a secondary target...that can be pressured to leverage their influence on the primary target." https://beautifulrising.org/tool/choose-your-target-wisely
If done correctly, wokies can determine smaller more vulnerable targets that can be pressured and leveraged to go after progressively larger targets. Like a domino effect where we knock over larger and larger dominoes:
Once they pick a target they analyze the "spectrum of allies" and separate everyone into 5 groups:
active allies -who fight with them
passive allies -who agree but don't act
passive opposition- who disagree but don't act
active opposition - who actively fight them
The goal of the woke is to determine the social blocs at play on a given issue, and shift them closer to the woke position. If they can shift each group over one notch the the entire political spectrum moves, and they can shift their targets support out from under them.
For each block in play there will be various different tactics employed.
IE: youtube was originally not woke. It was a free platform. It would have been in the NEUTRAL category.
So what do the woke do about this?
Well, what DID they do...
First they mapped out youtube and the power relations of people on the right:
15/ Youtube can give Carlos Maza what he wants and de-platform Crowder (one of their larger creators) and outrage conservatives, or they can refuse Carlos Maza's demands and then Maza's LGBT allies attack youtube for allowing homophobia DURING PRIDE WEEK.

See? no good options
Youtube tried to strike a balance by demonetizing Steven Crowder. This means that youtube went from being neutral and staying out of it, to being a passive ally: they no longer let Crowder earn money from advertising.
See how this works? They find the target, find out who has power, and then apply pressure to shift that target to their position.
I could say a lot more about specific tactics (and I will) but for today I want to you to see just how sophisticated this all is.
The woke people are a well oiled machine of protest, mobbing, intimidation and social pressure. Until we realize that and begin organizing to fight back we will always be on our back foot.

Let's get to work.

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