In an article about starvation & the urgent need for humanitarian aid especially in areas with millions of displaced people Jansen fails to inform readers that Russia at he UNSC insisted on the closure of 3 out of 5 cross border aid corridors, thus imposing starvation siege.
Jansen claims food prices have risen bec of 'continued fighting', sanctions & crisis in Lebanon.

Ommitted: 50 years of looting by regime, 9 years of deliberate obliteration of working class towns & cities, forced displacement of over half a population.....
... wiping out of the male population thru forced conscription, forced exile, detention torture & murder of hundreds of thousands... so many households now headed by women, workforce massively diminished......
... looting of billions of dollars from Syria by Assad & gang, funding lavish lifestyles of next generation living it up while Syria starveds, paying off Rifaat al Assad, recently convicted of money laundering in Paris..... Jansen fails to tell this...
'Reconstruction cannot begin as long as the governments international opponents try to bring it down by means of maximum pressure'


Reconstruction cannot begin while there are well over 100,000 in Assad death camps, where a similar number have already been tortured to death
'Israel has conducted repeated airstrikes on pro government forces'

Israeli airstrikes are against Iranian forces based in Syria, but that detail does not suit narrative Assad wants spun....
Continued publication of these dreadfully misleading columns by Jansen, which differ very little from releases from Assad's press office SANA, in @IrishTimes is a huge disservice to its readership, Syrians undergoing what UN called Extermination & common humanity & decency
The path out of sanctions is clear, and what Assad is being asked to do is reasonable to any decent human
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