So just gonna post my opinion what happened today with #SaveTheWorld and epic's state of development update. While I believe it to be true that @EpicGames did not put in the time nor effort that they should have into the mode, I do not blame ONLY EG for this happening. (Thread)
The current state of STW, minus the bug riddled gameplay, is mostly due to the community. The community asked for so many changes that EG has put into the game, and I don't even think everyone realizes it. The LOCKER update was asked for for over a year before it was finally
implemented, and AS SOON AS EPIC STARTED IMPLEMENTING IT, the community complained. The community got mad they were working on cosmetics instead of the game. Yet, it's LITERALLY what the community asked for. After the locker was (mostly) implemented, everyone moved onto the next
feature request. Afk/Leech detection. Posts went on for months about Epic not doing anything. Then they add in a afk detection system; and everyone is mad because now they're getting kicked out of games. Hello?? That's what you asked for! Maybe it didn't work flawlessly at
the start, but it's silly to get upset over them adding something that was asked for by the community. Now onto the BATTLE PASS. You can find tons of threads on /r/Fortnite with battle pass concepts, directly asking for it, how it should be added, etc. Yet again,
Epic decides to listen to the community, and adds in a battle pass. And everyone's pissed. Game's dead. That's it. Sure, it's not implemented how most would have wanted it. Sure, the game isn't going free as originally planned, BUT GUESS WHAT?? People suggested that too!
That's right, people on the subreddit even suggested keeping the game paid. They were more of a minority on the subject, but the fact is its still been talked about in the community.
All I'm trying to say here, is the community itself is what brought some of the biggest changes
into Fortnite: Save the World, and I put blame on the community for game's current state. I also blame Epic Games, they could have done a much better job with the game itself, but the community did no better.
/End Thread.
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