To the people with [insert cutesy word/literally anything but Black] Lives Matter in your usernames--you're not witty. You're not funny. If saying black lives matter rubs you the wrong way or makes you uncomfortable you're overdue for some serious introspection.
Lately if I enter a random chat or voice call and someone starts off with "Yeah it's really crazy here/over there..." like 9/10 the convo turns into a rhetoric for ALM/BlueLM. I just dip. There's no use arguing with these kinds of people. You can drop resources...
...and try to give them a new perspective but it's just never worked for me. I'm not expelling energy on people who are content on being naive if not straight up racist. That's not me giving these people a pass, I'm just not giving those people my time. They don't deserve it.
But this thread happened because lately I've been trying to be more active on Furry Amino. It's clearly targeted more towards the teen audience but with that being said holy shit educate your children/teens on racism.
"They're just kids, we were all naive then" is not applicable to the youth who pop into voice chats to scream "n****r" 50 times at supersonic volume while sending racist/xeno/trans/homo - phobic memes.
I read a profile of a teen on Furry Amino where they note at the top of their bio: "If you see me in racist chats I am not a racist but my friend is".


There's something seriously broken here. The youth is our future, seeing and hearing stuff like this is scary too.
I have so much more to say on this topic but I have something else I would like to talk about as well while I have the mental energy to get this out.
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