tw // sexual abuse

please do not use the tati videos as memes. it’s a video about her sexual abuse and it’s not funny in any way. i know i made a post using one of these videos but that was before i knew the context, i deleted right after and i ask that all of you do too
women are scared to speak up and for her to become the butt of an internet joke when it was most likely really hard for her to make the video...
tw // suicide , molestation

i’ve seen people say that’s not all the video was about and you’re right, but none of this is a joking matter
i’m muting this but i apologize if my tweet seemed like misinformation. i was tweeting this because i saw many people using the clip where she was crying and in that clip she was talking about her abuse. i didn’t expect this to get attention and i’m sorry again if i misled anyone
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