Should I take it that UBC will no longer allow transphobic speakers on campus and exercise their discretion under the academic freedom statement to stand behind the safety and wellbeing of the UBC community?
I thought this was a pretty good statement and said a lot of the right things, but there was a very clear lack of acknowledgement of the harm UBC has caused its 2SLGBTQIA+ community. That recognition is important - and a commitment to stop allowing our campus as a venue for hate.
Until UBC can address and apologize for their negligent harm in allowing Jenn Smith on campus, among other horrible bigots, these words will be just that - words.
How many times do we have to “unequivocally state” that transphobia has no place at UBC before we actually make a commitment to defend the safety of our community and acknowledge the harm of allowing bigots a venue to speak on our campus?
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