2 kinds of intellectual culture:

Idea Lab: a safe space for people, a dangerous space for ideas.

Echo Chamber: a safe space for a sacred set of ideas and people who express them, a dangerous space for opposing ideas and people who express them.
Idea Labs see argumentation as play. Echo Chambers see it as fighting.

Idea labs inflict humility on you. Echo Chambers breed unearned conviction.

Idea Labs are an intellectual gym. Echo Chambers are an intellectual candy store.
On a macro scale, an Idea Lab is a super brain smarter than any of its members.

An Echo Chamber is a giant that’s dumber than an individual person but very good at bullying.
Echo Chambers want to conquer Idea Labs and impose their rules on others. They’ve often succeeded through the use of violent force. When violence is prohibited, they try to conquer through other kinds of force. Idea Labs defend themselves by standing up for their values.
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