When something unfounded is said about someone who we all agree is bad, something with no real credible evidence just lots of people pointing to the rumour like it "feels true", I do feel like the people sharing it would spread it about anyone they had already decided was evil
The "cancel culture" discourse is so poisoned by people who say loads of problematic shit and insist they're being "cancelled" when somebody criticises them, but it is sometimes worth addressing the way that people spread lies that they find exciting
I think this something way more apparent to people with big platforms, because there's a certain type of person who legit is desperate to spread any kind of negative rumours about u as soon as they hear them,
because they've decided you're evil because you're friends with people they've decided are evil. It's a kind of person it's hard to explain exists unless you've been on the receiving end, and even pointing them out a lot of people just wouldn't understand the harassment they do
When I see friends sharing nonsense about people they hate I'm like really disturbed bc I feel like if they didn't know me or like me they'd be just as happy to say it about me.
It's a very isolating form of harassment. I find it hard to explain to close friends who don't have a large platform

I don't mean to be all "poor me I've got a platform" but these ppl exist who are just legit pumped abt the idea you're an abuser and bigot just bc you're visible
I remember seeing someone tweet something about Big Joel and somebody reply "ugh ill be so let down when I find out he's an abuser"

And I'm just like jesus fucking christ do you understand you're talking about people??? Shut up, honestly
Sometimes I see friends & mutuals following people who've accused me of being a bigot, an abuser, who've incited harassment against me that's lead to death threats, who've misgendered me, and I just feel like I'll look crazy trying to explain that this person is an abusive creep
Please just watch out for the accounts who seem to be deriving joy from the slightest hint of people doing something problematic, because there's a fair chance they aren't motivated by helping victims of abuse or fighting bigotry
And just to clarify, bc twitter wants us to be totally black & white on polar opposite sides of every argument, I am NOT disagreeing with the sentiment to believe victims

Fuck AngryJoe, fuck Chris Avellone. Fuck any powerful abuser and their fans denying accusations against them
In fact, my DMs are still open to anyone who has had a bad experience with someone in our YouTube sphere. Let me know and i will no longer associate with them. I still hope other people will make this offer too.
You can follow @theymerSophie.
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