When I was an RA at Emerson College, I hosted a floor event to discuss modern masculinity, and I think make tee shirts. A colleague of mine showed up to that event, and, as they were leaving my event about modern masculinity, I snapped them with a shirt on the butt. (continued)
I apologized to them immediately. Accident or not, I did it. It happened in front of in my boss's face. He and I later discussed it, and I had a meeting with the title IX office. I WAS THEN ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WORKING AS AN RA. I absolutely should have been fired or resigned.
I was instead told that since it was an isolated incident, and I had no history of sexual misconduct, I would essentially be let off with a warning. In hindsight, this was wrong. I should have been fired from my position. I should have resigned.
I was given an unjust benefit of the doubt. I was part of the problem at Emerson College 6(?) years ago. I benefitted from @EmersonCollege's systemic rape culture. I like to think I'm different now, and I hope to each day be a better ally than the day before.
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