Trump WH lies to even congressional Republicans about Russia bounty intel.

Here are the important things here. Our intel community knows:

1) Trump will reflexively lie about whatever makes the news

2) That lie can then be rebutted with evidence

3) That rebuttal will reflexively cause Trump and his Admin to issue a new lie

4) And that lie can then be rebutted too

And on and on.

The intel community is letting Trump blow himself up one lie at a time.

Trump is pathologically incapable of NOT lying about his wrongdoing.

It takes no particular art to lead him into lying.

All it takes is dangling something damaging; watching him jump at it; and then pulling the rug out.

This time, that sequence is going to shake off defenders.
Vulnerable Rs aren’t going to throw themselves on the grenade this time.

And that leaves Trump alone, without plausible denial, falling in the polls, and on an island.

His psyche can’t handle that.

It’s all falling down around him.

There is some major tantruming coming.

I’d give it a max of one day until he explodes publicly and/or privately in an unhinged rage.

A loco lawn sprinkler. Spraying angry accusations at anything that moves.

Eruption coming.

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