Shower thoughts: Dr Strange is actually the villain in the infinity saga and was plotting to eliminate Tony Stark, Captain America and Thanos.

Hear me out in this thread to why these thoughts entered my mind
The way he beats dormamu is by putting him in an endless timeloop until he backs off. I think dormamu tricked strange into thinking he won but is actually manipulating him like a puppet. Strange's appearance in Thor 3 and Infinity War, he is hostile towards Thor, Hulk and Tony.
He said it's to protect the realm, but if he can use the time stone to see 14 million outcomes he should have seen Thanos' army attacking Earth within a few weeks/months of his run in with Thor.

Now Tony is egotistical but incredibly smart, as is Dr. Strange.
This threatens Strange's egotistical/fragile mind (or if Dormamu is manipulating him, sees him as a threat). In Infinity War, Ebony Maw says strange is dumb for not using the most powerful weapon (The time stone).
Upon their first meeting, Tony asks strange why they can't just toss the stone down a garbage disposal (my suggestion: a volcano or black hole). This would go against strange's plan to eliminate Tony+Cap because he needs Thanos' snap in order for Cap to realize he should retire.
Now skip ahead to endgame where Banner-Hulk pushes time through Scott (ant-man) and turns him into a baby, we saw Thanos use the time stone to do this in order to bring vision back to life to get the mind stone to get the gauntlet snap ready.
Couldn't Strange have used the time stone to send time through Thanos and make his arm (or him) revert back to child size so the gauntlet doesn't fit ? Or at the very least use it to remove the stones from the gauntlet? (since as of a few hours before he only had 1 stone).
He also could have used his portals to cut off thanos' arm like Wong did to Thanos' big guard back on earth earlier in infinity war

But strange needed Tony to believe the only way to kill Thanos was by him sacrificing himself.
Now Thanos, Tony and Natasha are dead, cap is retired, Thor is leaving earth with the guardians, Hulk's arm no longer works(maybe?).

Which means strange is now the most powerful and one of the smartest on Earth (at least in his own or dormamus mind).
I've been in quarantine too long
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