I’ve spent my entire life in the northwest end of TO. My parents have only lived here since coming to 🇨🇦 as 🇸🇻 refugees. I love that this article explains how a multitude of issues like housing & transportation ultimately affects the health of residents in my community. However.. https://twitter.com/drsdefundpolice/status/1277611638854729728
It’s upsetting that it’s taken a whole pandemic for people to finally write about the disparities in the nw end, for people to finally prioritize collecting and producing data & research in this area as if our problems weren’t important prior to the pandemic.
Growing up, the coverage in these neighbourhoods is mostly limited to the gun violence that happens around here. But residents have a wealth of information and lived experience and could have easily have told you about the daily housing, food security, and transportation issues
These communities are aware of the issues and disparities that they face daily. Supporting these communities means listening to their concerns and amplifying the grassroots and community work that has been in action for years.
Addressing food insecurity, precarious employment, housing, and transit issues and combating anti-Black racism are not trends for the north west end. These are lived realities for community members.
Remember: 👏🏽Amplify the lived experiences of marginalized residents in the north west end 👏🏽 Amplify the concerns brought forth by Black community members 👏🏽 Support calls to action 👏🏽
You can follow @EvelynAsce.
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