Ok but actual constructive thoughts on this as the Pisces Mars, Aries Merc/Venus fella I am.

This combo without Earth placements is an absolute mess. I don't care how hard you wanna argue Aquarius can rein Jupiter+Mars in, Saturn cannot "should" his way through this combo. https://twitter.com/astrobalter/status/1278003280166215680
As they discuss in the thread, Pisces holds Jupiter's optimism and expansive potential -- Aries being Mars' impulse and action. Combine the two and you have an idealist who acts as if the world works that way -- and they'll tell you "WELL IT SHOULD!" and punch you if you argue.
I've always conceptualized Pisces Mars as the overeager hero -- the anime protagonist of Mars placements.

Pisces' penchant for exaggeration and its genuine commitment to the ideal give Mars plenty to go to war over. Unfortunately, neither Jupiter nor Mars are detail guys.
That's where Aries placements get tricky -- the head-first, no-holds-barred attitude of the unrelenting warrior makes for an incredible commitment to causes, but a blind one.

Like Sag, Pisces is easily lost but lacks the focus and certainty. It's too easy to be all in.
This combination of energy -- Pisces and Aries -- situates the native between "a girl worth fighting for" and "fights I never asked for" -- unlike Sag Mars where the native picks the cause, Pisces tends to stumble into it.

As Pisces always does
If you're more Pisces than Aries, look to your Mars placement and figure out a way to tighten up your focus -- learn how to use blinders effectively, not just to protect your idealism.

Mars works best with Jupiter when there's a material goal in mind -- they're diurnal after all
If you're more Aries than Pisces, figure out where your anger and energy is helpful and where you're just stirring the pot. Your conviction can distract as much as it helps focus you.

Jupiter can become overly concerned with the end, not looking at the path in front of him.
I think this combo plays well with Earth placements, Sagittarius placements, or maybe a nice dose of Mercury somewhere in there.

Unfocused and undirected, it becomes a chaotic force of "should" and "could have"

Channeled and purposed, you become a champion of the possible.
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