y’all gon be mad at me but it must be said......we have to get rid of celebrity culture & this ideology that celebrities/influencers are the gatekeepers to any and all levels of social change. would it be nice if they used their platforms? ofc, but we shouldnt be relying on them+
to envoke the change we want to see. we should be able to educate ourselves and enforce levels of change as well. beyonce shouldn’t have to say black lives matter for it to resonate with you. and timothee chalamet shouldn’t have to post about the yemen crisis for you to read +
about it and so on and so on. and i hate to say that we expect too much of them because they should care as well and they should use their platform 100% i agree. but sometimes they fall short. or they just don’t know bc they’re human. so let’s hold +
ourselves to higher standards. and do our part and educate ourselves just bc it’s the right thing to do as a human <3
(also this isn’t about one specific situation but more so everything i’ve seen in the last month with all the craziness)
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