Here's why we bring in foreign coaches.
The type of visa they have places a ceiling on what they can earn. This keeps wages cheap. In fact, they get paid around a third of what American coaches are paid.

This means we can hire three foreigners for the price of three Americans.

Damn, right?

US Clubs make profits in the range of six or seven figures. That's 10x the amount clubs make in other countries.
Foreign coaches may be getting paid a third of American coaches, but at least they are getting paid. Other countries don't make full time jobs out of coaching grassroots kids. So the foreigners on visas are just happy to have jobs.
Then there's the fact they are expendable. We hold all the cards. If we don't like one, we cancel their visa and send them home. You have no idea how obedient and compliant this can make an employee.
There are thousands of applicants every year, so we can just get more staff. And any coach who had their visa cancelled, is at a huge risk of not being allowed into the USA for work in the future.

They can't unionize. There is nobody on their side.
This massive upper hand means we can treat them like pure shit. And they either have to be grateful for it, or we get rid of them.

Kiddy camps
Sleeping two colleagues to a bed
Sleeping on office floors
Not being paid
Being fired and sent home at a moment's notice
We can get them to do whatever we want. We don't have that same power over Americans.

Stand out in the hot sun handing out flyers
Drive twelve hours for a camp over the weekend (your days off)
Delayed reimbursements to the point it makes staff give up even trying to make claims
From a marketing perspective, parents and kids are more likely to respond well to a coach with an accent. Too many Americans involved in soccer are fat, cynical old guys. Many are sociopaths. This isn't good for public relations.
They also have obscene pay demands, which are rarely justified by experience or qualification. The only reason we personally would consider paying big bucks for an American is that they bring several teams to the club. It's an investment.
Some fat sociopath in his sixties asks for $60k a year. If we give him that and keep him sweet, because of the network he has, not only will he bring teams from his former club, but will also bring in players and teams simply through referral. Go to X club because Coach Z's there
Many organizations like ours can offset so much against cheap foreign labor. Their low pay means that we avoid so much in tax. We also advertise cultural exchange hosting experiences, making our staff stay with host families, so we don't have to pay them for accommodation/rent.
Foreign coaches will have had some form of formal coach education, and most likely a sports related degree. They can't get a visa without meeting such requirements. This makes even the worst recruits better than 99% of our army of dad coaches.
The government doesn't want us to bring in people to do jobs an American can do. So we have to prove the foreigners are better qualified than the Americans. Which, in the vast majority of cases, they are. Not necessarily better coaches, just more qualified.
If Americans can do it, then these foreigners are stealing their jobs. We go to great lengths in our job descriptions to always stay one step ahead. Whether it's qualification level, or very specific job description.
Like most industries in our extremely capitalistic society, ant success is built off the back of exploiting cheap labor. We're already making a fortune, but that would disappear if we got rid of cheap foreign labor, replaced them with Americans, and paid thrice the wage.
One of two things would happen. Either standards would improve, because we wouldn't hold all the cards and will no longer be able to exploit our work force, or we'd have to stop paying board members six figure salaries for profiting off of grassroots sport.
This is America. We can't do things that benefit other people. It's not the American way.
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