🇨🇩30 June 2020. 60 years after formal Congolese Independence. The 🇧🇪Belgian King *apologises* (edit: expresses regret for acts committed) for colonising the country (80 times its size). (1/3)
These "apologies" are so overdue that there is no language, even, for thanking whomever finally deemed it time. I congratulate all Congolese and activists for Black Lives writ large, for getting us here in the past 6 decades. (2/3)
Here= the start of demanding repair - not aid - nor the end of a conversation on decolonial justice and anticolonial futures, but the formal beginning. ✨Independence Cha Cha✨ No one says it better than Baloji. (Song w English subtitles) (3/3)
Independence Cha Cha
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