Deplatform anyone, straight or not, who promotes ex-gay theology.
Telling LGBPQ people that God demands they either be celibate or only consider a relationship with someone of the opposite gender from the one they were assigned at birth is sin, and it is reckless, and it is dangerous, because it kills.
My interest in “a diversity of viewpoints” ends immediately when a given viewpoint kills my people. Kills children like me, because they are like me.
And saying “we obviously don’t want anyone to die” means less than *nothing* when you continue doing and saying the things that lead to their deaths.
J*ckie H*ll P*rry and other ex-gay folks need to be called to repentance. I don’t care at all who they end up with or how they personally identify and live. I care about what they put out into the world and proclaim to the vulnerable as the mandate of God
I feel sad for her and sorry for her, but sadder for and sorrier for and angrier on behalf of all the people she has harmed and is harming
It’s not just her. Anyone who teaches that God loathes relationships like mine. Anyone who teaches that God is always provoked to wrath by anyone who dares to have sex outside of marriage between a cis man and a cis woman. They have blood on their hands.
And yeah, man, if you think I might be talking about you, I probably am.
I’m not gonna waste my time recounting, again, the details of how close I came to killing myself as a teenager in an SBC church in the rural south. It doesn’t matter to people. They make a sad puppy face and say “I’m so sorry that happened to you” and then change nothing
And I’m not going to waste my time explaining how desperately I prayed and worked to become someone who could be “normal” and fall in love with a man like everyone wanted. Or how, after that, I prayed and worked to build a life where I could be happy alone.
Saying “I promise I tried really hard to be straight” doesn’t mean anything to them. They don’t care. They don’t care about the actual lives we live, and the things we suffer at their hands. They pretend to, with big sad eyes, and then change nothing.
I’m so tired. I’m so fucking tired.

Do y’all, my non-affirming friends, know how exhausting it is to stay in relationship with you? How much it requires?
The worst is when someone is like “I really wish I could be affirming” or whatever
Y’all, it hurts to be your friend.
(I’m mad today, and Bailey overrode the two hour twitter limit on my phone for me, so everybody just buckle up)
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