It’s been 48 minutes since the national security law was promulgated in HK. To sum it up very very briefly:

1. Life imprisonment is there for every for the four offences
2, National security police and agents can basically do whatever they feel necessary to “suspects”
3, Work of national security committee and agency will be kept from public and immune to judicial review
4, HK gov has no jurisdiction over national security agency staff “discharging duties”
5, Trial in HK can go without jury or go behind closed door if Secretary for Justice certified necessity to protect state secrets
6, Serious cases on 3 occasions can be passed to mainland’s top procuratorate and Supreme Court under national security agency or HK gov’s request
7, Non-permanent residents in HK accused of violating the law can be expelled, regardless of conviction
8, Persons convicted can’t run in elections or stay in public office. Judges with speech and acts jeopardising national security can’t be appointed to handle those cases
9, Foreign groups and media in HK will get enhanced “management and services” jointly from the national security agency, the MFA commissioner office and HK gov
10, The only chance for public to peep into national security committee lies in budget application
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