fun fact infjs are actually the most extroverted introverts
okay so fun fact the mbti is actually a lot more than just the four little letters...... each unique four letter combo has its own sub alignments within.
for example infjs are introverts, yes. but they’re also extroverted feelers, meaning they process their thoughts and emotions best with other people. it’s why we complain & vent a lot. we don’t necessarily do it in search of solutions. it’s how we figure out what we’re feeling.
infjs are also introverted intuitive, which means we make abstract connections almost subconsciously. we instinctively read and understand the unspoken layer of situations. sometimes it leads us to read too much into things for an underlying meaning that may not be there.
that makes us eerily good at giving advice even in aspects that we’re personally inexperienced in lol. it also makes us great at solving complex problems and predicting future outcomes.
Ni (introverted intuition) makes us incredibly inward focused. we operate off of hunches and feelings. we experience breakthroughs and epiphanies out of the blue that we don’t even know where they came from.

(hard cut to all the times i’ve said: IVE NEVER BEEN WRONG hahahaha)
if i had to describe it, it’s kind of like when your computer is running software in the background. but our brains are the computers hahahaha.

like i said sometimes anxiety and fear interrupts this process and can lead us to a lot of self-doubt and anxiety.
infjs make incredible writers and narrative-oriented artists bc we are deeply connected to our unconscious through our Ni trait. we love a metaphor lmao. so it’s fitting that our markie is an infj !!!!
the Fe trait (extroverted feeling) is the second-most preferred mental process in the infj’s arsenal, after Ni, and it’s why we’re so “extroverted” for introverts. the Fe trait makes us keenly empathetic. we’re very quick to pick up on the vibe of a room.
for a really sensitive person, it can sometimes be difficult to parse out whether the emotions of the people we’re with are actually our own. we adopt the vibe so to speak lol. sometimes i feel myself getting anxious, wonder why, and realise it’s because my friend is anxious.
this extreme emotional empathy is what makes us mistype as infps so often. we are the Lord of the Vibes lol. if our Ni guides how we perceive the world around us, our Fe guides how we act within that world.

(this is also why many infjs have an instinct towards humanitarianism)
okay time 2 get real and talk about our weaknesses which are our least preferred functions, Ti (introverted thinking) and Se (extroverted sensing)
Ti is less of a weakness and more of something that we have to grow into. we’re data collectors. it’s how we feed the Ni machine, lolol. we tend to make decisions based on empathy and emotion but as we mature we have to choose to cultivate the Ti and base our decisions in logic.
honestly i know less about Ti than i know about Ni and Fe. but infjs are obsessed with collecting and internalising data.

(me, trying to close the overflowing closet of fun facts cluttering up my brain)

we naturally favor feeling over thinking in decision making.
but as we mature and gather more data, we can become conflicted during decision making. logic or emotion? on the one hand, we trust our instincts. but we also see how emotion leads others astray.
when it comes to deciding for others, we usually choose emotion. when it comes to ourselves, we tend to choose logic.

fun fact but if you’re an infj and you fucking love sorting things into folders or boxes. that’s ur Ti function
i literally nutted all over the place when pinterest added the boards-within-boards function. i fucking love sorting shit into categories and sub categories
anyways hahahaha Se is our greatest weakness. the sensing function has to do with being connected to the present and your physical presence in the earth and the space you inhabit.

we are shit at this lol
we are so caught up in trying to read between the lines and sense the unspoken at all times that a lot of times we miss shit that is right in front of our faces.
because sensing is our inferior function, we get overstimulated very very easily. infj children throw a lot of temper tantrums when they’re under sensory overload. infj adults will probably just get a headache and turn all the lights off so they can think straight lolol
we love beautiful scenery and can really commune with nature but we get super stressed when we’re introduced to new locations with a lot of concrete stimuli. driving in new cities is literally hell lmao
sometimes i even get stressed driving to a new place in a city i’m already familiar with lol like it’s so easy for us to get sensory overload.
when we’re not doing well—stress or mental health—our weak Se really bites us in the ass. we overload on external stimuli. blasting music. bingeing tv shows. indulging in substances more often; food, drink, whatever. we hyperfixate on the world around us to avoid internal discord
i used to speed down country back roads blasting music and looking at the scenery when i got stressed lolol.

we also can have the impulse to lash out at our environment when stressed. throwing things, wrecking stuff. we want to feel and see ourselves have a physical impact.
it’s like, really hard to describe. you just want to do something with your body. physically feel something. mess something up. so you can know in your body that the stuff in ur head isn’t real, but also that it is real?

when we’re stressed, it’s so hard to stay in our bodies.
but i find getting my hands dirty to be really cathartic. painting something, even if it’s not art. just literally smearing paint on cardboard lmao. or digging around in the garden. even if it’s pointless, it helps me connect to my body and the physical world.
long story short, if your infj friend is stressed, ask them for help with an arts and crafts project 😹😹😹
i think taeyong is probably an infj, too. my little artsy writer boy. kun may be as well, but i’m not 100% on that. infjs tend to be leader types so its fitting for them hehe.

fun fact: infjs tend to put their own health and finances as their lowest personal priority
infj strengths: empathic, creative, visionary, practicality. doers, not dreamers. leaders for change.

infj weaknesses: perfectionism, can’t take criticism, procrastinators, prone to burnout. they “know” everyone’s feelings but never share their own. existentially lonely.
so yeah tl;dr mbti goes a lot deeper than just the four letters lol

also the fact that mark is an -a. terrifying. he must be so well-adjusted.
also: infjs and enfps are literally soulmates. we’re just drawn to one another. it’s hard to explain. we just love those enfp puppies even tho by all logic they should be overwhelming to us.

haechan is an enfp! make of that what u will. i suspect johnny is as well.
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