A thread with some observations about the new HK National Security Law, tweeting out live as I read it. (The full text is available via the HK Govt Gazette here: https://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20202444e/es220202444136.pdf)
The "Subversion" crime is very wide-ranging and alarming: it includes any attempt to "serious interfere, obstruct or damage" Central Govt OR HK Govt agencies carrying out their functions: 嚴重干擾、阻撓、破壞中華人民共和國中央政權機關 或者香港特別行政區政權機關依法履行職能
Also a specific nod to the LegCo invasion: "Subversion" also includes attacking or damaging any HK Govt facility resulting in it being unable to carry out its duties. 攻擊、破壞香港特別行政區政權機關履職場所及其設 施,致使其無法正常履行職能
Inciting, aiding, abetting OR FINANCING others to commit secession or subversion is also a crime 任何人煽動、協助、教唆、以金錢或者其他財 物資助他人
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