Who can be trusted to verify scientific research data?

Are they really researching a vaccine?

Don't they already have a vaccine?

If they do have, wheres the money going that's been given for alleged research?

Is research money the new black hat slush fund?

The more you know
Do you think wearing a mask greatly reduces the ability for Artificial Intelligence and human analysts to Read Lips & authenticate by Facial Recognition?
Wearing masks lowers oxygen levels,amplifying the person's state within which c0vld thrives. Posturing the victim of the virus to be ill prepared immunologically to fight the virus which deoxygenates the blood flowing to organs.
Is mask usage indended to make sick people worse?
Push for wearlng make is propoganda operation to invoke FEAR.
Fear paralyzes people.
Don't let fear be the loudest voice in your world.
Take authority over fear by refusing to submit to it.
Who do you serve?
Are you letting the "they" rule over you?

Doing nothing = submission
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