Since your reaction to my tweet generated broad interest let me offer this breakdown lest it gets entangled with other trivial or personal issues:

"Dont know much about @ahmednasirlaw" [true]

"Hope he gets a fair treatment & apolitical due process"[well-wishing]

*….learned of him was when he came out swinging in defense of Somalia's Houdinis of corruption after I wrote an article by that same title. [true]

*Learned later he was their top hired gun.
[true but I must explain more....]
Disclosure: In past 24 hrs I received more DMs than I care to read. Some said you were good/generous person being targeted for domestic politics…others said you ‘had it coming’…yet others said whole thing was orchestrated by vicious people who wanted to settle a score with.

I try my very best to stay away from gutter politics or any personal issue that is motivated by bitterness or deep-seated ill will.…]

Going back to whether being Houdinis of corruption’s “top hired gun” claim:
As a prominent lawyer (& senior partner of a lobbying firm), I suspect you are a man of reason. So let me use you own tweet (defense) to dispel my claim as ‘EXHIBIT 1’....
You tweeted: "Never visited Mogadishu in my life. Never met the President and PM of Somalia…. And I have never been instructed formally or informally to be "their top hired gun."
Brother, I can understand if you are too humble to acknowledge, but you are their hired top gun

1)You are the only one I know in aforementioned profession with 1 million followers
2)You are Houdinis of corruption fiercest & most eloquent defender in social media
3)The fact that you never visited Mogadishu in you never met the Houdinis in person is immaterial at best
You know very well that lobbyists could be under lucrative contracts without ever setting a foot in their clients' capital cities & without ever meeting their clients. You also know they cud be hired by a 3rd party. Ask the Houdinis if they met all their lobbyists in person.

4)Your time is money….(understandably so). But if you as a lawyer/lobbyist were providing all your services (Operation Shield The Houdinis) free of charge which your prerogative….then I say: That was mighty generous of you.

All the best!
You can follow @Abukar_Arman.
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