Thread 2/6: This next phase is looking worse than the first one, with most of the rise in the American South, especially metro areas: LA, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin. These are not "hot spots" "embers". Deaths will follow in a few weeks + permanent injuries
Thread 3/6: Hard to glean specific info from White House CoV Task Force or Hill briefings, but it looks as though the strategy has been to allow states to take the lead and USG provides back up through PPE supplies, FEMA issues, advice from CDC. This is not working.
Thread 4/6: I don't pretend to have the answers, but I think there is an urgency to articulate a national strategy and roadmap led by CDC. We need a "Field Marshal" either CDC Director or designate (maybe Anne) to now shape implement a detailed plan beginning with American South
Thread 5/6: War room, briefings should be run out of ATL and include: 1) Epidemiologic models informing us where this is going, 2) how bad it will get, deaths/DALYs, esp for low income communities, 3) options for interventions, 4) est impact of interventions, 5) implementation
Thread 6/6: CDC has made missteps, but so has everyone else. They have the expertise or know where to look for it. Our national response so far not really a response, it's a disorganized collection of facts factoids with unclear roles and responsibilities. Time for an audible
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