Public Universities cannot become preaching stages for #homophobia, #transphobia & other medieval views.
@InfoUMA, you really need to step up.

Sharing this in English for non-Spanish speakers. Everybody should appreciate how degrading it is.
#PrideMonth #PRIDE2020

Thread 👇
This is one of the degrees taught at @InfoUMA: Master's in Family Sciences.

Directed by Prof. Tomas Melendo, advocate of the "family" concept. He believes that a better civilisation will occur when the "family" is finally imposed
As you may imagine, "family" here focuses on the matrimony between a man and a woman. Pope Benedict XVI would not appoint anybody as member of the Pontifical Council for the Family without cis-heteronormative beliefs.

But does this permeate into the education system?
Unfortunately, the answer is: 'Very much so'.

Among the reading material for this Master's, there are several texts by Prof. Melendo. For example (according to @Danialri), in several texts, Melendo defines homosexuality as an "affective anomaly" and "affective deviation".
In an apex of condescendence, he states that "this tendency is, despite their origin, albeit disordered, not intrinsically bad", but "what would be bad would be to let that tendency roam free".
Of course, their agenda does not end there. Prof and reading material seemingly have plenty to say about transexuality, like: "psychiatric treatment is most adequate to resolve this pathological phenomenon of sociopsychological origin".
And there's much more to learn in this Master's! Of course, topics such as female infidelity (so much worse than male infidelity!), contraceptives or abortion are dealt with, with similarly progressive viewpoints.
All in all, you would expect that when @infoUMA was confronted by @publico_es about this, they would commit to look into it. Instead, they said they had gotten no complaints before, and that this program has been running for 21 (!) editions.

The latter only makes things worse.

Meanwhile, @InfoUMA advocates for diversity and inclusion:

I beg Isabel Jiménez Lucena, vice-chancellor in charge of Equality, Diversity and Social action, to investigate this. This is a harmful program, unaligned to your directives.
While not an "official" program ("own" degrees are unregulated and self-financed), national authorities are complicit by shifting responsibility. "Own" degrees must be regulated to stop proselytism and discrimination.

@UniversidadGob @sanchezcastejon @astro_duque @PabloIglesias
Finally, several partners are showcased in the @InfoUMA website who evaluate and vouch for quality of education and commitment with equality & diversity at this Uni. You may want to reassess priorities here, and lobby when necessary.

This is not philosophy. This is not anthropology. These are not social studies. This is a politicised, church-stained retrograde ideology blurted out on a publicly funded stage for obsolete staff with a preacher complex.

Stop this.

#LGBT #LGBTphobia #Transphobia
PS: my sister @art_lizz helped me put this thread together. She doesn't really use twitter (she promises she will!), but she does share great content about art, sexuality and diversity in instagram. If you're into it, don't hesitate to follow: 
You can follow @DanielTamarit.
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