Terry Crews, income, education, technology gaps will take TRILLIONS and DECADES to flip to even getting remotely close to equality. Look at the ownership of our corporations, infrastructure. Time value of money on investments on backs of institutionalized racism. You’re ignorant. https://twitter.com/terrycrews/status/1277955144332668930
The fact fact faceless trolls jumped on this thread tells you all you need to know
“Let me defend Terry Crews by saying something racist about Black people” is the monster you created @terrycrews by many here and you’ve abused your platform. It’s vile and gross. And you put the God stamp on it. Do better!
I hope Terry Crews buffoonery actually becomes a moment when the country like its learning about the racist origins of American policing, learns about the financial impact on slavery on creating robber Barron fortunes and America’s 1%,, legacy Jim Crow on education & wealth gap
Conducting one’s self in performance of upholding white supremacy is not “free thinking.” It’s subjugated thinking. It’s absolutely bathing in “If we cant beat em, join em” watermelon rind “is we sick boss?” jolly
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