God's love, proven in the cross of Christ, triumphed over man's sin and death (Rom. 5:8). That same act of love also proved God's just character (Rom. 3:21-26). Justice will *always* be done b/c that's who God is. His righteous rule of the universe is inevitable.

We who believe in Christ and are indwelled by His Spirit have every reason, then, to expect God to do justice now. "The Lord within her is righteous; he does no injustice; every morning he shows forth his justice; each dawn he does not fail; but the unjust knows no shame."

That's Zeph. 3:5. We have not reason to conclude that God's *ultimate* justice at the bar of Christ/Great White Throne means we should not expect His penultimate justice in this life. None. Not when God does no injustice and every morning shows forth his justice.

And we have not cause to doubt that we may know what justice is and what it entails. God gives us wisdom so we "will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path." (Prov. 2:9). Indeed, :those who seek the Lord understand [justice] completely" (Prov. 28:5).

We have the Book. We have the Holy Spirit. We have Christ. We have the Father. We have everything we need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).

So soldier on, Christian. Press toward righteousness, equity and justice. Dispense every excuse and blockade. Do justice.

The unbelief of many is exposed by their constant declarations that justice cannot be expected or cannot be achieved or cannot known. Their speech betrays their ignorance of God's word and God's ways. Listen not to them. Listen to the Lord!

Do not be dissuaded or deterred by those, with Bible in hand, who say "You're not doing it right," but who offer no constructive alternative and no example to follow. Let them prove their faith by their deeds, then consider and follow. Until then, steady plow.

We do not have long to work. It's day now but night comes when no one will work (John 9:4). He's coming quickly and we will have to give an account (Mark. 13:32-37). Do not bury your talent and do not complain of your Master's harshness. Do the work!

In the end, the reactionary voices of opposition will give their own account to our just God who sees all and assizes all. We leave them to their reward. For ourselves, let us prove our faith by our deeds. Let us do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

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