Gonna thread these two paragraphs from my latest: “‘There are certain counties where a majority of the people who are tested positive in that county are under the age of 30,’ said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott last week.” ... https://www.commentarymagazine.com/noah-rothman/the-protests-and-the-surge/ https://twitter.com/johnjharwood/status/1277925910688169984
“In Lone Star State counties with major urban centers or sprawling universities, young people account for a staggeringly large increase in the relative percent of the infected population.“
“The story is the same in Florida, where the surge in new cases is attributable to younger people south of the I-4 corridor. Two out of every three people who contracted the disease in Washington state in June are under the age of 29.”
“In Arizona, more than half of new infections are being seen in people between the ages of 20 and 44, mostly in and around Phoenix.”
“Last week, a study found that 44 percent of new COVID-19 cases in California were confirmed in people 34-years-old and younger, up from 29 percent one month ago.”
“Even in Minnesota, where the increasing caseload is rising but not exploding, people age 20–29 represent nearly 40 percent of all new infections.”
“For all the claims that the only people resistant to public masking are Trump-backing culture warriors, a May survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control found that people age 18-29 were the least likely to ‘always’ ‘wear a cloth face covering when in public.’”
In sum, not exactly Trump’s demos or geography. But they are demos and geography that correspond to some reckless behavior we all saw in June, behavior that was sanctions by politicians and public health experts. There’s blame to go around. Direct it where it belongs.
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